Monday, September 23, 2013

Theogony of the Universe Multiverses Chaos Gaia Eros by Cupid Uranus Ace Sphinx Galzu Acetr444 son of Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverses Universes baptized as Ace Roland Mendoza Orense American Space Agency National Aeronautics Space Administration (photos videos by) Houston Texas USA United States of America Inspired by Hesiod'sTheogony of the Universe Chaos Gaia Eros Greek Religion Popess Petras Gods Zeus Poseidon Mercury Hermes Helen of Troy Zeus Achilles Cyclops Cupid Uranus Ace Sphinx Galzu YHWH Acetr444

Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverses Universes Suns Moons Stars Planets Galaxies  
Cosmogony Titaness Goddess Chaos the Titaness Goddess of the Universe Abyss Chaos Gaia Eros Cosmogony Goddess of the Universes Multiverses                              Cupid Uranus Ace Sphinx Galzu Acetr444 YHWH son of Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverses Universes

Cosmogony Titaness Goddess Gaia the Titaness Goddess of the Universe Abyss Chaos Gaia Eros Cosmogony Goddess of the Universes Multiverses  

Cosmogony Titan God Eros the Titan God of the Universe Abyss Chaos Cosmogony Goddess of the Universes Multiverses  
 Zeus Jupiter King of the Gods of Mount Olympus
 Chaos Gaia Eros Hera Juno June of the Milky Way Galaxy Chaos Gaia Eros Universes Multiverses
Cosmogony Titaness Goddess Hera Juno Milky Way Galaxy Goddess of the Universes Multiverses  
 Hera Juno June CCupid and Psyche                             Hera Juno June Goddess of Marriage Daughter of Cronus and Rhea Offsprings Sons and Daughters of Titan God Uranus Ouranos Uranus God of Heaven of Mount Olympus Heavens and Earths Multiverses Universes and Gaia Goddess of Earth Universes Multiverses of Mount Olympus
Titan God Cupid and Mortal Goddess Psyche Young Child Couples of the Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus Heavens and Earths Multiverses Universes Chaos Gaia Eros Realms    
Hera Juno June Milky Way Galaxy Universes Multiverses Hera Chaos Gaia Eros Universes Multiverses Universes Realms  

Milky Way Galaxy Hera Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverses Universes Titaness Goddess Hera Juno Milky Way Galaxy Goddess of the Universes Multiverses  

Creator Sun God Zeus YHWH of Hyperion Helios the Sun
                                                                            New planet createdth by Creator Sun God Zeus YHWH of Hyperion Helios the Sun
 New colossal giant cat createdth by Creator Sun God Zeus YHWH of Hyperion Helios the Sun

New son Angels Creator Sun GodZeusYHWH Lucifers Zeus YHWH's createdth by Creator Sun God Zeus YHWH of Hyperion Helios the Sun
Hyperion Sun son of Uranus and Gaia Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverse Universe Milky Way Galaxy 
Titaness Goddess Gaia Mother of Earth Universe Multiverses
 Multiverses Universes Multiverses Ofsprings of OursThat!
Worship the Gods and Goddesses Forever

Earth Daughter of Gaia Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverse Universe Milky Way Galaxy  Titan God Poseidon Neptune King of the Seas of Mount Olympus 

Mu Cephei Mu Cephei Universe Multiverse

Andomeda Galaxy Universe Multiverse


Jupiter Zeus son of Cronus Saturn and Rhea Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverse Universe Milky Way Galaxy  Titan God Zeus Jupiter King of the Gods of Mount Olympus

Planet Venus son of Zeus and Hera Dione Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverse Universe Milky Way Galaxy
Titaness Goddess Venus Aphrodite Daughter of God Zeus Jupiter and Goddess Dione Goddess of Love Sex and Beauty

Planet Pluto Hades son of Cronus Saturn and Rhea Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverse Universe Milky Way Galaxy
Titan God Hades Pluto God of the Underworld Son of Titan God Cronus and Titan Goddess Rhea Sons and Daughters of Uranus and Gaia Mother of Earth Universes Multiverses Chaos Gaia Eros    


Planet Uranus son of Gaia Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverse Universe Milky Way Galaxy Uranus  
Uranus God of the Sky and Weather and Fate God of Heaven Dome of Heaven Titaness Goddess Gaia's Son Uranus Ouranos Father of Cronus and Rhea  
Cupid Uranus Ace Sphinx Galzu Acetr444 son of Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverses Universes

Theogony of the Universe Multiverses Chaos Gaia Eros by Cupid Uranus Ace Sphinx Galzu Acetr444 son of Chaos Gaia Eros Multiverses Universes baptized as Ace Roland Mendoza Orense American Space Agency National Aeronautics Space Administration (photos videos by) Houston Texas USA United States of America Inspired by Hesiod'sTheogony of the Universe Chaos Gaia Eros Greek Religion Popess Petras Gods Zeus Poseidon Mercury Hermes Helen of Troy Zeus Achilles Cyclops Cupid Uranus Ace Sphinx Galzu YHWH Acetr444


  1. The Gods and Goddesses are the Universes Chaos Gaia Eros Realms

  2. Chaos Gaia Eros Universe Multiverses Milky Way Galaxy Titaness Goddess Hera Planets Mercury Hermes Mesenger Venus Aphrodite Love Sex Beauty Earth Gaia Plants Mars Ares War Saturn Cronus Mountains Uranus Heaven Ouranos Neptune Poseidon Seas Pluto Hades Underworld Cupid Moon Selene Andromeda Galaxy Stars Alpha Centauri Centaurs
